Rav Daniel Kohn
Rav Daniel Kohn is the rabbi of Bat Ayin, a Hassidic village in the Judean Mountains of Israel. Over the past 28 years, as a Rabbi and Rosh Yeshiva, he has taught hundreds of students, uniquely combining the world of Torah learning, Jewish mysticism, and deep psychological insight. A talented musician and composer, Rav Daniel’s own spiritual path took him from university studies at Columbia College to many years of yeshiva learning and to semicha from Rav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg zatza”l, whom Rav Daniel learned from and was meshamesh for a decade, the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and the "crown of wisdom" approbation from Rav Avraham Farbshtien zatza”l, the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Chevron in Jerusalem. He studied many years under Rav Yisrael Gustman zatza”l, one of Israel's foremost talmideichachamim and learned with some of Israel's most significant kabbalists. Deeply rooted in Talmud and halacha, Rav Daniel also draws his innovative insights from his profound knowledge of Maharal, Kabbala, and Chassidut.
In addition to his work as community Rabbi, Rav Daniel lectures and conducts meditation retreats and personal growth seminars for groups, academic staffs and communities throughout Israel.
Rav Daniel is also a professional composer and clarinet player whose performances around Israel are a unique genre of spiritual music and Torah teaching combined. He has produced three music albums and recently published a learning package and book (in Hebrew) called סולם ההתקרבות: הסידור כמסע רוחני-חלק ראשון עד העמידה.